
jQuery Checkbox

Provides for the styling of checkboxes that degrades nicely when javascript is dsiabled. Use native jQuery selectors to target specific (or all) checkboxes that you wish to style. Doesn't work with labels and the "for" attribute. View the source


Checkbox Group
  1. option one
  2. option two
  3. option three

jQuery CSS Checkbox

The CSS checkbox is essentially the same but with a little more flexibility at the cost of losing the elegant degrade when javascript is disabled. Uses <label> tags to style and control the checkboxes. View the source

It doesn't adhere to w3 standards though as the "for" attribute of the label in this case references the "name" attribute of the checkbox. I was unable to get name and id attributes for the checkbox to play nicely together for some reason. Not sure if it is a jQuery thing or just me. If you fix it please let me know.


Checkbox Group One